Monday, March 26, 2012

Turning a new leaf...again

I have spent a ton of time late reading up on the toxins in foods. Of course I've watched some foodie movies that get you all excited about eating well and changing your life. I run out, buy a bunch of stuff and it lasts two, maybe three days. I can't even make weeks:)

Here I am starting again. This time though, I need to keep going. I am so unhealthy right now. The sad thing is, I don't eat great, but I don't eat horrible. I couldn't imagine how unhealthy I would be right now had I not started to change my eating habits a while back.

I am also approaching this with a different attitude towards weight loss. I weighed myself this morning and I weigh 172 (ooohhhh, I put that in here). Yuk! But, I don't plan on weighing myself. Weight is a nice goal, but health is a much better one. Now, I'm a little OCD and there is a scale in the bathroom right next to the shower, so I will probably jump on it, but I promise to try really hard not to!

I'm not using any gimmicks or fad diets. I don't know, some may consider them a diet, but I really am just changing the way the family and I eat. Switching to a clean, somewhat raw diet and kicking the processed foods and sugars.

The child...he's not so cool with it. Although he eats so much healthier than most kids you'll ever know, he does enjoy sugar -- lots and lots of sugar. Why? Because we made him. I remember when he was a toddler and didn't like candy or chocolate and we continued to give it to him so he would develop a taste for it. I can remember people looking at me like I was crazy when I said, "My kid really doesn't like candy." I also remember recently saying, "Yeah, he weird. He doesn't like chocolate." Why is that weird? It's great!!! You don't want to finish your pizza and you want an apple for desert? Great! But that's not what we say to our kids. We tell them, finish everything and then you can have ice cream for desert. Yep, got to change that.

So I will try to use my blog as a template and accountability tool. I'm not perfect, but I am awesome and I deserve to be healthy. I may screw up, but I'll try really hard not to.

Today: I had a homemade juice for breakfast:
2 carrots
2 celery stocks
1/2 a pear
1/2 an apple
Cilantro and parsley

2.5 mile walk

Greek Yogurt
Flax seed and Chai Seed

I plan to have eggs and Ezekiel bread for lunch.

Dinner .... Chicken maybe with some veggies. I obviously need to get the meal plan down:)

If anyone is listening...thanks!

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